Mistakes to Avoid When Planning Home Renovations

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guidance on your home renovation journey
We at Eden Construction are proud to offer our top-notch home renovation services to help you achieve your ideal space for all your needs. Throughout our extensive experience, we have helped many, many people get the homes they’ve always wanted. We have also helped numerous people complete home renovations that have stalled or gone awry along the way. Our team at Eden Construction knows that no one wants to have to deal with a renovation project going sideways, so we have put together a list of common mistakes to avoid when planning your home renovations:

  • Choosing the First Contractor You Talk To- For a home remodeling project, you should always take the time to explore your options, especially when it comes to your contractor. This person will be responsible for implementing the changes to your home, so you want to make sure that they’re reliable and that their work is solid. Check to make sure that the contractor has the appropriate insurance coverage and that any subcontractors they work with do as well. Also look for someone who fits well with your personality, as you’ll be seeing a lot of them, and make sure that they’re willing to communicate with you about every step in the process.
  • Creating a Rigid Budget- While it makes sense to want to save money, be careful that you also allow for flexibility in your home renovation project. The renovation process can be unpredictable, and it’s likely that you’ll have to deal with at least one unexpected problem or surprise price hike. To ensure that you have enough financial wiggle room, first calculate your best-case-scenario budget, then increase it by 20 percent.
  • Waffling on Your Plans- When planning your home renovation, try to get any indecisiveness out of your system in the planning stage. Once you’ve committed to a final design and remodeling plan, resist the urge to deviate from it. Waffling during the construction process can become expensive quickly and will also drag out the time needed to complete the renovations.

If you would like further guidance on your home renovation journey, you can turn to our team of professionals at Eden Construction. We’ll help you create the best home for you.